Sarah A…

5, Girl | Uganda

Hello, Sarah is a humble, reserved girl who loves caring for her fellow pupils in class. She is in baby class at school. She loves attending church every Sunday. She is the last born among eight children where her mother died after her delivery. She now stays with her father at home and does not have stable income to provide for his eight children.

About Me
Age:5 years old
Interests:Attending Church

Sponsorship Details $41 / month

By sponsoring Sarah, you will be providing her with:

- Education
- Safe housing
- 2 hearty daily meals
- Medical care when needed

Primary School-aged children attend the school that Edward and his board founded, which is a Christian Primary school called "Uganda Christian Based Nursery & Primary School" (UCBN&P). In addition to core subjects, the children can participate in sports, play together, and attend Bible Studies. They receive 2 hearty meals a day and community with peers and teachers.

The kids who have graduated UCBP&P attend a local Secondary school, but still come to UCBN&P for a daily meal, which is sometimes the only meal he or she may receive that day. Continuing to sponsor a Secondary-aged child helps pay for their tuition, school fees, and a meal when they come to the KWOWI project each day. All the Uganda kids attend local house churches on the weekends.